Because of the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus there are also differences in the way that homes are let. This is to comply with government guidelines, and ensure that both you and staff stay as safe as possible. This might lead to some delays
Homefinder Somerset is the way of finding social housing to rent. It lets you select the homes you would like to be considered for within Somerset. Anyone with a local connection to the Homefinder Somerset partner local authorities can apply
When we know we will have a vacant property (either because we have purchased or built a new house or one of our tenants is leaving) we normally advertise the property in Homefinder Somerset. This service started in 2008 and covers the whole
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We specialise in finding permanent homes for homeless households and social housing applicants. Homefinder Somerset is a ‘Choice-based lettings’ (CBL) system intended to make it easier for you to apply for rented housing and, if you are eligible,